Top 10 books to become a high-performer in life and work

Top 10 books to become a high-performer in life and work 

To become a high performer in life you should have some vast knowledge about different aspects of life and different fields of life. These books are all written by well-known award-winning authors who devoted their life to solve mysteries of professional life and personal life to become high achievers and high performance in their life. 

10. Grit
The power of passion and perseverance

Description- Why do only a few people in their life succeed and others fail? Why do gifted peoples and talented peoples frequently fail to reach their potential while others who are far less talented persons go on to achieve amazing things? How can you change your life through conscious endeavors? Angela Lee Duckworth is an American academic, psychologist, and well-known science author. Sharing new insight from her landmark research on Grit, she explains why talented people are hardly a guarantor of success. This book helps you know about what goes through your head when you fall down in your life, and how that, not talent or luck, makes all the difference.    

09. The 11 laws of likability
Relationship networking… Because people do business with people they like

Description- So in this world doesn’t want to be likable? All of our efforts at “networking” in our private and professional lives are equip us to come across as “likable” to the people in our near society, so we can support relationships and move ahead in life. Michelle Tillis Lederman “boils down”, into 11 actionable principles, all we need to know and to be likable in ours personal and professional lives.

08. Big magic
Creative living beyond fear

Description- How you cope with the fear? What does it take to explore one’s creativity? A lot of people ask the questions, hoping to get suitable answers, and that’s why you need to read this book. Your creativity is an unknown idea that flows through your mind to the whole world. This book, “Big Magic: creative living beyond fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert, will surely answer your all questions.

07. Effective Decision-making
How to make better decisions under uncertainty and pressure

Description- Decision-making is the lifeblood of every business venture. If you are going to thrive in your industry, then you need to know how to make quick and smart decisions and that is exactly what this book will empower you to do. It is indeed a reading book for everyone who wants to make decisions in this fast-paced world.

06. Radical candor
Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity

Description- Co-founder of Candor and experienced corporate strategy expert, Kim Scott gives a refreshing view of the heavy burden of being a boss and how to maneuver the muddy waters. A peep into the mind of an author, this book will help you have a better relationship with your colleagues, as well like your employees, and eradicate the stereotypes of the “mean boss” while still keeping a strict and functional workplace, read this today!     

05. Deep work
Rules for focused success in a distracted world

Description- Deep work is that the ability to focus while not distracted on a cognitively demanding task. It’s a natural talent that allows you to quickly master complicated information and generate good results in less time. Deep work is a god-like power  in our highly competitive twenty-first century economy. In this book, Professor Cal Newport flips the narrative on impact in a connected age. He makes the case that in almost any profession, cultivating deep work ethics will produce massive benefits.

04. Start with why
How great leaders inspire everyone to take action

Description- Without a doubt, you must have wondered why a select group of corporations seem to succeed in their business goals with ease, year after year, while their peers lag. Why this happen? Simon Sinek, in the insightful read of a book, provides answers to these questions and several more. The book and the tidbits you're about to read are about the essence of premeditated leadership.

03. The obstacle is the way
The timeless art of turning trials into triumph

Description- Have you read all about success and yet struggle putting it into action, or are your goals still evasive how much regardless you try? Chances are but you describe success as the opposite of what you really think of. And so, Ryan holiday(Author of book), a renowned strategist, presents a philosophical take on an obstacle and how you can change limitation to opportunities.

02. Tiny habits
The small changes that change everything

Description- This book is also best selling book the in 2020 on Amazon. Do you seek changes? Are there habits you want to develop or drop? Then start Tiny by perhaps reading this summary to the is an end. This book is the result of extensive myth-breaking and persuasive research on habits and human behavior by the behavioral scientist and doctor. BJ Fogg (Author of the book).   

01. The 10x rule
The only difference between success and failure

Description-Do you desire to be highly successful and to live a life of impact? Do you want to maximize your potential to create the life you want? Then let millionaire entrepreneur Grant Cardone (Author of the book) show you how in his best-selling book. This book now is now a household name in the school of success. This book would show you how to measure the correct amount of action to take in order to accomplish your personal or business goals... As Grant is fond of saying, “Never lower your target; increase your action.”SEE YOU IN  THE PAGES. 

 Hope you like this list and at last you get but you want to read and To become a high performer in life.
